Alberta Centre for Labour Market Research
Our team of experts are focused on accelerating public, private, and non-profit collaboration in the production of labour market research and outcomes
Times Cited
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Read MoreNew Economics Papers (from NEP)
The following works presented are external working papers published to the NEP-LMA and NEP-LAB RSS feeds. This content is provided to show a wider view of research being conducted across the areas of Labor Markets - Supply, Demand, and Wages, as well as Labour Economics. Works listed may have no relation to ACLMR or the ACLMR team and are published out of academic interest only.
Labour Markets
No Teens, No Tech: How Shortages of Young Workers Hinder Firm Technology Investments
Firms in developed countries face increasing shortages of young workers. This paper studies the importance of young workers, particularly vocational trainees, for firm technology investments. Leveraging…
Training, Automation, and Wages: International Worker-Level Evidence
Job training is widely regarded as crucial for protecting workers from automation, yet there is a lack of empirical evidence to support this belief. Using internationally harmonized data from over 90,…
Quantifying the Signaling Role of Education
This paper quantifies the signaling role of education and measures the associated efficiency losses from asymmetric information. To that end, I model educational attainment and occupational choices in…
Tearing the Paper Ceiling: The Impact of State Commitments to Remove Degree Requirements on Public Awareness and Job Opportunities for STARs
In the past two years, 25 states have enacted executive orders and legislation to reduce unnecessary degree requirements for public sector jobs, signaling a shift toward skill-based hiring. This paper…
Labor Market Frictions and Spillover Effects from Publicly Announced Sectoral Minimum Wages
This paper analyzes the horizontal spillover effects of Germany's first sectoral minimum wage. Using a difference-in-differences estimation, I examine the impact of the public announcement and introduction…
Optimal Compensation in Competitive Labor Markets with Heterogeneous Employers and Workers
We develop a model in which large risk-neutral firms and individual risk-averse consumers compete to employ heterogeneous workers by posting compensation menus. Production takes time, and we analyze how…
Gender Inequality in the Labor Market: Continuing Progress?
This article examines the trends in women’s economic outcomes in the United States focusing primarily on labor force participation, occupational attainment, and the gender wage gap. The author first…
Hot Wages: How Do Heat Waves Change the Earnings Distribution?
This paper examines the impact of temperature shocks, measured by cold and heat waves, on labour market outcomes across 14 European countries. Using retrospective individual-level data from the Survey…
Cut Off from New Competition: Threat of Entry and Quality of Primary Care
We study how the threat of entry affects service quantity and quality of general practitioners (GPs). We leverage Germany's needs-based primary care planning system, in which the likelihood of new GPs…
Hours Risk and Wage Risk: Repercussions over the Life-Cycle
We decompose earnings risk into contributions from hours and wage shocks. To distinguish between hours shocks, modeled as innovations to the marginal disutility of work, and labor supply reactions to…
Partisan Discrimination in Hiring
This study experimentally investigates the role of politics in hiring decisions. Participants acted as employers, determining the highest wage to offer candidates based only on their demographic characteristics,…
Biased Returns to Tenure: The Impact of Firm-Specific Shocks on Base and Non-base Earnings
This study examines returns to tenure using Mincer wage regressions and longitudinal employer-employee payroll data from Great Britain. We find a pervasive downward bias in estimates of returns to tenure…
Careers and Wages in Family Firms: Evidence from Matched Employer-Employee Data
We investigate compensation policies in family and non-family firms using a novel employer-employee matched dataset comprising nearly the universe of Italian incorporated firms and ownership information.…
You Can Take Them With You: Recruiting Coworkers to One's Own New Firm
New firms do not yet have employees who can aid recruiting by referrals, but entrepreneurs can recruit workers they know to their startups—in effect making their own referrals. We consider new firms…
Digital Skills: Social Disparities and the Impact of Early Mentoring
We investigate social disparities in digital skills, focusing on both actual proficiency levels and confidence in these skills. Drawing on a representative sample from Germany, we first demonstrate that…
Heritability in the Labour Market: Evidence from Italian Twins
We use administrative data on educational attainments and life-time earnings to study their correlations among Italian twins. Using the ACE decomposition, we find that heritability in education accounts…
CEO-Firm Matches and Productivity in 42 Countries
Firms are key to economic development, and CEOs are key to firm productivity. Are firms in countries at varying stages of development led by the right CEOs, and if not, why? We develop a parsimonious…
Digitalization, Change in Skill Distance between Occupations and Worker Mobility: A Gravity Model Approach
The recent digital revolution has significantly broadened the scope of IT-related tasks in most occupations in the labor market. In this paper, we document these changes, we propose a novel conceptual…
Experimenting with Generative AI: Does ChatGPT Really Increase Everyone’s Productivity?
Generative AI technologies such as ChatGPT, Gemini, and MidJourney have made remarkable progress in recent years. Recent literature has documented ChatGPT’s positive impact on productivity in areas…
Coworker Networks from Student Jobs: A Flying Start at Labor Market Entry?
This paper analyzes the impact of college students' coworker networks formed during student jobs on their labor market outcomes after graduation. For our analysis, we use novel data that links students'…
Early Career Effects of Entering the Labor Market During Higher Education Expansion
We evaluate the labor market effects of an increasing supply of high-skilled labor, resulting from a higher education expansion at established German universities. Exploiting variation in exposure across…
AI Users Are Not All Alike: The Characteristics of French Firms Buying and Developing AI
In this work we characterise French firms using artificial intelligence (AI) and explore the link between AI use and productivity. We distinguish AI users that source AI from external providers (AI buyers)…
Job Training, English Language Skills, and Employability: Evidence from an Experiment in Urban India
Low-income individuals in developing countries are often inadequately prepared for employment because they lack key labor market skills. We explore how employability and wage outcomes are related to English…
Disruptive Peers and Academic Performance: Short- and Long-Term Outcomes
How do disruptive peers shape academic and career paths? We examine this question by leveraging the random assignment of students to classrooms in Greece and identifying the effects of peer disruptiveness…
Female-Specific Labor Regulation and Employment: Historical Evidence from the United States
By the end of the nineteenth century, labor legislation for women had become a prominent issue in the United States, with most states enacting at least one female-specific work regulation. We examine…
Hope, Noise, and the Efficiency of Perfect Meritocracy
This paper explores the economic effects of imperfect meritocracy in recruitment and career advancement. We compare two career promotion mechanisms: a fully meritocratic system and a "noisy"…
When Given Discretion Teachers Did Not Shirk: Evidence from Remedial Education in Secondary Schools
Public-sector organizations face a tradeoff: allowing workers discretion at the point of service to adapt to local needs, versus rigid harmonization to ensure uniform service delivery. We examine this…
Hustling From Home? Work From Home Flexibility and Entrepreneurial Entry
We investigate the influence of the growing trend of work-from-home (WFH) on new business formation, with a particular focus on the period surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic. At baseline, local new business…
Automation, Trade Unions and Atypical Employment
We study the effect of the adoption of automation technologies – industrial robots, and software and databases – on the incidence of atypical employment in 13 EU countries between 2006 and 2018. We…
Digital labor platforms, domestic work and formalization: evidence from Argentina
The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance and fragility of care systems globally, resulting in multiple new challenges for women, who comprise the majority of workers in this sector. In particular,…
Technological Disruption in the Labor Market
This paper explores past episodes of technological disruption in the US labor market, with the goal of learning lessons about the likely future impact of artificial intelligence (AI). We measure changes…
Measuring Quality of Life Under Spatial Frictions
Using a quantitative spatial model as a data-generating process, we explore how spatial frictions affect the measurement of quality of life. We find that under a canonical parameterization, mobility frictions—generated…
How Regulations Impact the Labor Market: A Review of the Literatures on Product and Labor Market Regulations
This paper provides an extensive review of the literatures on product and labor market regulations and their effects on labor market outcomes. It uncovers the interdependence of these two types of regulations,…
College Major Restrictions and Student Stratification
Underrepresented minority (URM) college students have been steadily earning degrees in relatively less lucrative fields of study since the mid-1990s. A decomposition reveals that this widening gap is…
Bridging the wage gap: A discussion of wage subsidies to low-paid workers and their costs in Italy
This paper discusses the potential introduction of permanent public subsidies to supplement the wages of low-paid workers in Italy, taking inspiration from Edmund Phelps' ideas on supporting the working…
What Contributes to an Attractive Local Political Office? Evidence from Municipal Council Elections in Switzerland
Small-scale federal democracies depend on the active participation of individuals in local political office. Both anecdotal evidence and empirical studies across Western democracies indicate a growing…
Do More Tourists Promote Local Employment?
We analyze the impact of tourist flows on local labor markets, following a novel identification strategy that uses temporary shocks in alternative international destinations to instrument for tourism…
Does a Passport Get You a Degree? Citizenship Reform and Educational Achievement
This paper examines the impact of introducing birthright citizenship in Germany on the educational trajectories of second-generation immigrants. Our identification strategy exploits a legal change in…
Endogenous Working Hours, Overlapping Generations, and Balanced Neoclassical Growth
A balanced growth path that accounts for a decline in hours worked per worker approximates the evolution of today’s industrialized countries since 1870. This stylized fact is explained in an OLG-model…
Hospital Crowding and Patient Outcomes
Using high-quality administrative data from Upper Austria, we analyze the eect of hospi- tal crowding on patients' short- and medium-term healthcare utilization and labor market outcomes. Focusing on…
Lessons Learned and Ignored in U.S. Place-Based Policymaking
Place-based programs aim to encourage economic and community development in defined geographic areas. They frequently offer tax incentives, grants, loans, or regulatory relief to private or non-profit…
Are Women Blamed More for Giving Incorrect Financial Advice?
We conduct an incentivized experiment with a nationally representative sample to investigate gender discrimination among people receiving advice on risky investments. Participants learn about actual start-up…
Labour Economics
The Labor Market Costs of Job Displacement by Migrant Status
This paper examines the differential impact of job displacement on migrants and natives. Using administrative data for Germany from 1997-2016, we identify mass layoffs and estimate the trajectory of earnings…
The Short- and Long-Term Effects of Family-Friendly Policies on Mothers' Employment
Countries often encourage part-time work among new parents as part of their family policies, aiming to foster mothers' labor market attachment. However, this approach may unintentionally impede women's…
Subsidized Small Jobs and Maternal Labor Market Outcomes in the Long Run
This paper investigates whether incentives generated by public policies contribute to motherhood penalties. Specifically, we study the consequences of subsidized small jobs, the German Minijobs, which…
Not a Lucky Break? Why and When a Career Hiatus Hijacks Hiring Chances
Sustaining social security systems amidst an ageing population requires (re)integrating the unemployed and inactive into work. However, stigma surrounding non-employment history can create barriers to…
Too Many Changes? Post-Displacement Job Mobility and Wages: an Analysis of Displaced Workers in Portugal
This research project aims to investigate the impact of post-displacement job mobility on wage dynamics for displaced workers (i.e. workers who lost their jobs due to firm closures) in the Portuguese…
Hiring subsidies and temporary work agencies
This paper evaluates a hiring subsidy for lower-educated youths in Flanders (Belgium) that reduced labour costs by approximately 13% for a period of two years, starting in 2016. Using a donut Regression…
The Parenthood Gap: Firms and Earnings Inequality After Kids
We document the dynamics of career paths around parenthood, capturing worker advancement within firms and across firms of differing pay. Using a new linkage between administrative data on U.S. workers’…
Twenty-Five Hours in a Day: On Job Flexibility and the Intrahousehold Allocation of Time and Money
Flexible work schedules and telecommuting may help to improve the combination of work and family. An open question is whether job flexibility can increase the well-being of the children, which depends…
Intergenerational Mobility over Two Centuries
This paper provides an overview of recent empirical and methodological advances in the study of historical intergenerational mobility trends, with a focus on key measurement challenges. These advances…
Does Early Timing of First Birth Lead to Lower Earnings in Midlife in Britain?
Many studies show that motherhood has substantial impacts on women's wages and earnings, but there is less evidence on the effect of the timing of entry into motherhood, particularly over the long term…
Intergenerational Mobility, Economic Shocks, and the Role of Human Capital
How do economic shocks at labor market entry shape patterns of intergenerational mobility? Both family background and negative shocks matter for future labor market success, and these two forces interact…
The Causal Impact of Gender Norms on Mothers’ Employment Attitudes and Expectations
This field experiment investigates the causal impact of mothers’ perceptions of gender norms on their employment attitudes and labor-supply expectations. We provide mothers of young children in Germany…
Collective Bargaining, Unions, and the Wage Structure: An International Perspective
In this paper, we assess the recent economics literature on collective bargaining. Despite a declining trend in the OECD in coverage and especially union membership, a large share of formal workers around…
Gender Identity and Economic Decision Making
Economic research on gender gaps has focused on variation based on the binary classification of “men” and “women”. We explore whether a self-reported continuous measure of gender identity (CGI)…
The Effects of Gender Integration on Men: Evidence from the U.S. Military
Do men negatively respond when women first enter an occupation? We answer this question by studying the end of one of the final explicit occupational barriers to women in the U.S.: in 2016, the U.S. military…
Conflict in Dismissals
How do the employer and the worker interact during a dismissal? This paper tests whether they cooperate to minimize costs, or instead engage in conflict—i.e., deliberately amplify costs. We leverage…
Minority Inflation, Unemployment, and Monetary Policy
Our paper addresses the heterogeneous effects of monetary policy on households of different races. The cyclical volatility of real income differs significantly for households of different races and income…
Why Don't Jobseekers Search More? Barriers and Returns to Search on a Job Matching Platform
Understanding specific barriers to job search and returns to relaxing these barriers is important for economists and policymakers. An experiment that changes the default process for initiating job applications…
Designing Gender Equity: Evidence from Hiring Practices
I combine novel data on job applications and hiring decisions for the universe of public sector jobs in Brazil and a natural experiment that decreased discretion in hiring to analyze how screening determines…
Are Men's Preferences for Couple Equity Misperceived? Evidence from Six Countries
Gender gaps in labor supply and household responsibilities persist. Using representative survey data from 24, 000 respondents across six countries, this paper explores the actual and perceived preferences…
A Theory of How Workers Keep Up With Inflation
In this paper, we develop a model that combines elements of modern macro labor theories with nominal wage rigidities to study the consequences of unexpected inflation on the labor market. The slow and…
Are People Fleeing States with Abortion Bans?
In this study, we investigate whether reproductive rights affect migration. We do so using a synthetic difference-in-differences design that leverages variation from the 2022 Dobbs decision, which allowed…
The Causal Impact of Gender Norms on Mothers’ Employment Attitudes and Expectations
This field experiment investigates the causal impact of mothers’ perceptions of gender norms on their employment attitudes and labor-supply expectations. We provide mothers of young children in…
The Fertility Impacts of Development Programs
This paper examines how women's fertility responds to increases in their earnings and household wealth using six experiments conducted in Sub-Saharan Africa. Contrary to predictions that an increase in…
Wealth Creators or Inheritors? Unpacking the Gender Wealth Gap from Bottom to Top and Young to Old
There is growing interest in understanding how gender influences the accumulation of wealth. While prior studies focused on labor-related determinants, our research focuses on inheritances and gifts.…
Fragmented Stability: Recalls and Fixed-Term Contracts in the French Labour Market
This study investigates in a European perspective the phenomenon of recalls, in which previously laid off or furloughed employees are rehired by the same employer. It specifically examines the French…
Ideological Bias in Estimates of the Impact of Immigration
When studying policy-relevant topics, researchers’ policy preferences may shape the design, execution, analysis, and interpretation of results. Detection of such bias is challenging because the research…
What Is the Value of the Child and Dependent Care Credit?
The Child and Dependent Care Credit (CDCC) subsidizes child care costs for working families. In response to the Covid-19 pandemic, the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 increased the CDCC's generosity…
Preparing for the worst: post-divorce instability risk and economic behaviour of households
Who thrives when alimony payments change? Restrictions on spousal alimony influence intra-family economic decisions by altering bargaining positions and raising concerns about post-divorce financial instability.…
Cracks in the Glass Ceiling and Gender Equality: Do Exports Shatter the Glass Ceiling?
We use Brazilian administrative employer-employee matched data of worker demographics, industry of affiliation, occupation, and wages to examine whether females in managerial and executive positions (cracks…
The Relationship between Officer Misconduct and Conviction-less Arrests
Given the use of an individual’s arrest history for many economic and social outcomes, reducing conviction‐less arrests (arrests that result in no charges or where the defendant is found not guilty)…
Changing Business Cycles: The Role of Women’s Employment
Women’s labor force participation rose rapidly in the post-war period in the United States until the mid-1990s when it flattened out. I examine the impact of this change in trend in female labor supply…
Assessing the Sustainability of Reintegration Programs for Repatriated Overseas Filipino Workers: A Case Study of Zamboanga City, Philippines
This study assesses the sustainability of reintegration programs for repatriated Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) in Zamboanga City, focusing on the effectiveness of current initiatives and identifying…
Immigration (from Ukraine) and labour market in Poland – evidence from Bayesian VAR models
This paper investigates the role of immigration shocks in shaping unemployment and wage dynamics in Poland – a country that experienced a significant influx of immigrants following Russia’s invasions…
Minimum Viable Signal: Venture Funding, Social Movements, and Race
How do venture capital investors react to social movements, including those that relate to historical underrepresentation in funding? We use image and name algorithms combined with clerical review to…
Devaluation, exports, and recovery from the Great Depression
This paper evaluates how a major policy shift – the suspension of the gold standard in September 1931 – affected employment outcomes in interwar Britain. We use a new high-frequency industry-level…
The Benefits and Costs of Paid Family Leave
National paid family leave programs have been repeatedly proposed in the United States in recent years. To inform policy discussions, we provide a benefit-cost analysis of introducing such a program.…
Immigration, Inequality and Income Taxes
Immigration may affect income inequality not only by changing factor prices but also by inducing policy makers to adjust the prevailing income tax system. We assess the relative importance of these economic…
Why Aren't There More Minority Entrepreneurs?
We study racial and gender disparities in entrepreneurial activity through the lens of a Roy model, focusing on the distinction between idea generation and execution. Using nationally representative sur-vey…
Generative AI and the Nature of Work
Recent advances in artificial intelligence (AI) technology demonstrate considerable potential to complement human capital intensive activities. While an emerging literature documents wide-ranging productivity…
Income Shocks, Adaptation, and Temperature-Related Mortality: Evidence from the Mexican Labor Market
This paper examines the role of positive income shocks in helping workers adapt to extreme temperatures. We use daily temperature variations alongside the exogenous implementation of a wage and fiscal…
The Equilibrium Effects of State-Mandated Minimum Staff-to-Child Ratios
Mandatory minimum staff-to-child ratios are a pervasive childcare market regulation in the US, and yet little is known about their effects on children's skills. This paper builds an equilibrium model…
Historical Slavery Predicts Contemporary Violent Crime
This study investigates the long-term relationship between slavery and violent crime in the USA. Although qualitative evidence suggests that slavery perpetuated violence, there has been no large-N study…
Unhooking the Past: Early-life Exposure to Hookworm Eradication and Later-life Longevity
This study examines the long-term effects of the Rockefeller Sanitary Commission’s (RSC) hookworm eradication campaign, initiated in the American South in the 1910s, on old-age longevity. Utilizing…
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