Alberta Centre for Labour Market Research
Our team of experts are focused on accelerating public, private, and non-profit collaboration in the production of labour market research and outcomes
Times Cited
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Read MoreNew Economics Papers (from NEP)
The following works presented are external working papers published to the NEP-LMA and NEP-LAB RSS feeds. This content is provided to show a wider view of research being conducted across the areas of Labor Markets - Supply, Demand, and Wages, as well as Labour Economics. Works listed may have no relation to ACLMR or the ACLMR team and are published out of academic interest only.
Labour Markets
A 22 Percent Increase in the German Minimum Wage: Nothing Crazy!
We present the first empirical evidence on the 22 percent increase in the German minimum wage, implemented in 2022, raising it from € 9.82 to € 10.45 in July and to € 12 in October. Leveraging the…
AI, Task Changes in Jobs, and Worker Reallocation
How does Artificial Intelligence (AI) affect the task content of work, and how do workers adjust to the diffusion of AI in the economy? To answer these important questions, we combine novel patent-based…
Couples' Remote Work Arrangements and Labor Supply
Using the panel component of the Current Population Survey and questions on work-from-home intensity, the authors examine the relationships between partners' work location arrangements, weekly hours worked,…
Unbundling the Effects of College on First-Job Search: Returns to Majors, Minors, and Extracurriculars
We analyze the initial job-market matching of new US college graduates with a largescale audit study conducted during 2016 and 2017, in which 36, 880 résumés of college seniors were submitted to online…
The Impact of Overtime Limits on Firms and Workers: Evidence from Japan's Work Style Reform
This study provides the first analysis of Japan's 2018 Work Style Reform (WSR) and its effects on firms and workers, using payroll and survey data in a difference-in-difference design. We find that the…
Monopsony: Wages, Wage Bargaining and Job Requirements
Using linked vacancy-employer-employee data from Austria, we investigate how monopsony power affects firms' posting behavior and wage negotiations. Consistent with theoretical predictions, we find that…
Disentangling the greening of the labour market: The role of changing occupations and worker flows
Using a text-mining approach applied to task descriptions of occupations together with worker-level administrative data, we explore the growth in the greenness of employment in Germany between 2012 and…
Digitalisation of firms and (type of) employment
This paper investigates the effects of digitalisation on firm-level employment and workforce composition in Belgium from 2003 to 2019, using a novel dataset that merges ICT expense data with administrative…
Training, automation, and wages: International worker-level evidence
Job training is widely regarded as crucial for protecting workers from automation, yet there is a lack of empirical evidence to support this belief. Using internationally harmonized data from over 90,…
The gender composition of supervisor-subordinate dyads: career trajectories and compensation
Does the gender of the supervisor matter for career trajectories and compensation of both male and female subordinates? This paper exploits a fine-grained longitudinal personnel data on workers from an…
Quantifying Green Job Potential in Colombia: A Task-Based Approach
This paper examines the impact of the green transition on the Colombian labor market. Using a task-based approach and data from the 2022 Colombian Household Survey, we find that approximately 22.6% of…
Does Performance Pay Increase the Risk of Worker Loneliness?
Increased wages and productivity associated with performance pay can be beneficial to both employers and employees. However, performance pay can also entail unintended consequences for workers' well-being.…
Gender Inequality in the Labor Market: Continuing Progress?
This article examines the trends in women's economic outcomes in the United States focusing primarily on labor force participation, occupational attainment, and the gender wage gap. The author first highlights…
The Value of Remote Work: A Correspondence Experiment on Tutors
This study explores the preference for remote work by sending thousands of randomized messages to tutors advertising on an online platform across Greece. The messages requested either in-person or online…
Risk and heterogeneity in benefits from vocational versus general secondary education: estimates for early and mature career stages
We estimate a dynamic model of individual labour market careers (turnover and search, wage development) on Portuguese panel data of graduates from vocational and general secondary education. We find that…
Menu Adjustment in Response to the Minimum Wage: A Return to the New Jersey-Pennsylvania Border
This paper studies how output prices are affected by increases in the minimum wage. To the best of our knowledge, we provide the first examination of how the prices of an entire menu of items at a single…
Minimum Wages in the 21st Century
This chapter surveys the literature on the impact of minimum wages on low-wage labor markets. We describe and critically review the empirical methods in the new minimum wage literature, particularly those…
Learning in creative tasks: Evidence from a digital platform
This paper explores learning-by-doing in the context of creative tasks using detailed data on fiction writers from a digital publishing platform. I construct measures to quantify authors' performance…
Cut Off from New Competition: Threat of Entry and Quality of Primary Care
We study how the threat of entry affects service quantity and quality of general practitioners (GPs). We leverage Germany's needs-based primary care planning system, in which the likelihood of new GPs…
Places versus People: The Ins and Outs of Labor Market Adjustment to Globalization
We analyze the distinct adjustment paths of U.S. labor markets (places) and U.S. workers (people) to increased Chinese import competition during the 2000s. Using comprehensive register data for 2000–2019,…
Artificial intelligence technologies, skills demand and employment: evidence from linked job ads data
"We study how artificial intelligence (AI) affects labour demand at the establishment level. We use the share of AI related vacancy postings at the establishment level to measure efforts to develop,…
Productivity Labour Adjustment Costs. How do new hires and leavers (incl. retirees) compare?
Labour turnover is a crucial element of contemporary economic life. It can improve productivity if more productive workers replace less productive ones. However, in the short run, it generates sizeable…
The Diverging Trends of Male and Female Bottom Earnings in Germany
Men at the bottom quintile of the German male earnings distribution had lower average earnings in 2019 than in 2001. In contrast, female earnings have increased throughout the distribution. What explains…
Modelling Monospony on the Labor Market with Separable Matching Models
We model monopsony on the labor market using a separable matching model a la Choo and Siow (2006). We propose a simple method that estimates 1) the multidimensional determinants of productivity and non-wage…
Skill vs. education types of labour mismatch and their association with earnings
This work aims to determine whether the difference between skill and education-based measures of labour mismatch affects the estimates of the labour mismatch-earnings relationship as specified by Verdugo…
Do Human Capital Adjustments Protect Youths from Structural Change?
Structural changes to labor demand can have lasting consequences on the employment and earnings of workers in affected industries and geographies. However, individuals coming of age may avoid similar…
Moderation in Higher-Order Earnings Risk? Evidence from German Cohorts
Women born later experience greater earnings growth volatility at given ages than older cohorts. This implies a welfare loss due to increased earnings risk. However, German registry data for the years…
Normative Judgments Implicit in the Tax System: A Simulation Approach
How much does society value redistribution? The common method to derive inverse-optimum welfare weights is by inverting an optimal-tax model. Our alternative imposes fewer restrictions on labor supply…
On the Elasticity of Substitution between Labor and ICT and IP Capital and Traditional Capital
I estimate a nested CES production function for 9 European countries over 1996- 2020 using EU KLEMS data, distinguishing between information and communication technologies (ICT), intellectual property…
New answers to old questions: The effects of the minimum wage hike in Spain in 2019
Our paper examines the effects of the significant 2019 minimum wage hike in Spain on labour market outcomes, prices, and firm bankruptcies. We use the synthetic control method (SCM) to analyze the impact…
Mentoring, Educational Preferences, and Career Choice: Evidence from Two Field Experiments in Bhutan
We use data from two separate randomized control trials to examine whether career mentoring influences the educational preferences and career choices of Bhutanese students in grades 10 and 12. These mentoring…
The Distributional Origins of the Canada-US GDP and Labour Productivity Gaps
Gross domestic product (GDP) per adult in Canada fluctuated between 70% and 90% of that of the United States between 1960 and 2020. Behind this gap lie large, systematic differences in relative incomes…
Potential Growth in Japan: Issues on Its Relationship with Prices and Wages
This paper looks back on the background of the sluggish potential growth and the slowdown in labor productivity growth since the 1990s in Japan, and raises some issues on their concepts and measurement,…
Determinants of Price Markups at Japanese Firms and Implications for Productivity
In this paper, we analyze determinants of price markups and their relationship with aggregate productivity based on long-term estimates of price markups and wage markdowns for Japanese firms. The main…
Phasing Out Payroll Tax Subsidies
Many countries subsidize low-income employments or small jobs. These subsidies and their phasing out can generate labor market frictions and distort incentives. The German Minijob program subsidizes low-income…
Measuring Quality of Life Under Spatial Frictions
Using a quantitative spatial model as a data-generating process, we explore how spatial frictions affect the measurement of quality of life. We find that under a canonical parameterization, mobility frictions…
Follow the money ? Workers’ mobility, wages and amenities
We use a chained version of the French matched employer-employee dataset (BTS-postes) to analyze the wage dynamics of people who change employers during the 2005-2019 period. First, we show that almost…
Should states allow early school enrollment? An analysis of individuals' long-term labor market effects
This study provides a policy evaluation of laws allowing early school enrollment of children, i.e., enrollment before the official school starting age. It investigates the effects of early enrollment…
On the Extent, Correlates, and Consequences of Reporting Bias in Survey Wages
Surveys are an indispensable source of data for applied economic research; however, their reliance on self-reported information can introduce bias, especially if core variables such as personal income…
Tip of the Iceberg: Tip Reporting at U.S. Restaurants, 2005-2018
Tipping is a significant form of compensation for many restaurant jobs, but it is poorly measured and therefore not well understood. We combine several large administrative and survey datasets and document…
Japan's Economy and Prices over the Past 25 Years: Past Discussions and Recent Issues
This paper provides an overview of economic activity and prices in Japan since the 1990s, based on discussions mainly in academia as well as the survey of corporate behavior, and then discusses some issues…
The Dynamic and Heterogeneous Effects of COVID-19 Vaccination Mandates in the USA
Mandatory vaccination for COVID-19 has received intense political and ethical debates, while the literature on the causal effects of vaccination mandates on vaccination outcomes is very limited. In this…
Going NUTS: the regional impact of extreme climate events over the medium term
The projected increase in extreme climate events in the coming decades is likely to exacerbate the existing productivity and demographic challenges facing Europe. We study the dynamic, medium-run macroeconomic…
Reconciling the Official Poverty Measure and CBO’s Distributional Analysis of Household Income
CBO’s distributional analysis of household income shows that from 1979 to 2021, income after transfers and taxes among households in the lowest quintile (or fifth) of the income distribu¬tion…
Labour Economics
Job Search, Job Findings and the Role of Unemployment Insurance History
Standard search theory suggests that (1) job search intensity increases with the relative gain from searching, and that (2) job search intensity increases the job finding probability. Firstly, this paper…
How does potential unemployment insurance benefit duration affect reemployment timing and wages?
Recent papers identify the effects of unemployment insurance and potential benefit duration (PBD) on unemployment duration and reemployment wages using quasi-experiments. To make known problems of heterogeneity…
Marriage, Motherhood, and Women’s Employment in Rural India
We investigate the impact of marriage and childbirth on women’s labor market participation in rural India. In the absence of panel data, we employ a novel approach using Life History Calendar data to…
A wider look at female employment and childbirth in Italy
We explore the female employment-fertility relationship for a wide period, 2004-2019 in Italy. We adopt a dynamic approach when modelling both employment and fertility choices and allow for possible feedback…
Labor Market Effects of Worker- and Employer-Targeted Immigration Enforcement
Hiring someone who is not authorized to work in the United States is illegal, and employers who knowingly hire unauthorized immigrant workers may face civil and criminal penalties. The federal government…
Explaining gender differences in migrant sorting: Evidence from Canada-US migration
This paper uses newly digitized Canada-Vermont border crossing records from the early twentieth century to document substantial differences in how female and male migrants sorted across US desti nation…
On the Asymmetrical Sensitivity of the Distribution of Real Wages to Business Cycle Fluctuations
We provide evidence showing, for the first time, that the sensitivity of real wages to the business cycle is much stronger for higher-wage workers than for lower-wage workers. Using matched employer-employee…
The Evolution of Gender in the Labor Market
This chapter traces the evolution of the study of gender in the labor market, focusing on how academic thinking on this topic has evolved alongside real world developments in gender inequality from the…
Beliefs on Children's Human Capital Formation and Mothers at Work
Mothers may face pressure to sort out of the labor market due to perceptions that women have an absolute advantage in child-rearing, even when their earnings potential matches that of men. Guided by a…
Inequality in the Economics Profession
This chapter presents evidence of the challenges faced by women and underrepresented minorities in Economics. It, first, examines the demographics of the economics profession, highlighting significant…
Gender Identity and Economic Decision Making
Economic research on gender gaps has focused on variation based on the binary classification of "men" and "women". We explore whether a self-reported continuous measure of gender identity…
Why Life Gets Better After Age 50, for Some: Mental Well-Being and the Social Norm of Work
We provide evidence that the social norm (expectation) that adults work has a substantial detrimental causal effect on the mental well-being of unemployed men in mid-life, as substantial as, e.g., the…
Accounting for Individual-Specific Heterogeneity in Intergenerational Income Mobility
This paper proposes a fully nonparametric model to investigate the dynamics of intergenerational income mobility for discrete outcomes. In our model, an individual’s income class probabilities depend…
The Making of a Ghetto Place-Based Policies, Labeling, and Impacts on Neighborhoods and Individuals
Does the labeling of neighborhoods affect their outcomes? Place-based policies targeting disadvantaged areas aim to improve their conditions, but the labels they impose carry consequences of their own.…
The causal impact of gender norms on mothers' employment attitudes and expectations
This field experiment investigates the causal impact of mothers' perceptions of gender norms on their employment attitudes and labor-supply expectations. We provide mothers of young children in Germany…
What women want. Gender-based norms and cognition in STEM occupational choices
This research investigates why some women like STEM occupations more than others. We show that this phenomenon is rooted in historical kin-based norms and specific aspects of cognition, perceptions, and…
The Effects of COVID-19 on Labour Market Matching in Austria: A Regional and Sectoral Perspective
This paper examines labour market matching in Austria since 2008, with a particular focus on the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic at the regional and sectoral level. We use comprehensive monthly administrative…
The Employment and Windfall Effects of Short-Time Work: Evidence from Germany
"I study the ramifications of the German short-time work (STW) scheme using novel administrative data on STW and drawing on evidence from establishment surveys that are linked to the administrative…
Not Just for Kids: Child and Dependent Care Credit Benefits for Adult Care
As the U.S. population ages, family caregivers face substantial out-of-pocket costs and financial risks while providing the majority of long-term care. The Child and Dependent Care Credit (CDCC), a tax…
Gender Differences in the Duration of Sick Leave: Economics or Biology
This study addresses the gender gap in workplace sick leave duration, focusing on the underlying economic and biological factors that contribute to this disparity. Using a novel methodological approach,…
Gravity Predictions of International Migration Flows
What is the future of international migration flows? The growing availability of bilateral international migration data has resulted in an improved understanding of the determinants of migration flows…
The Long-Term Fiscal Impact of Immigrants in the Netherlands, Differentiated by Motive, Source Region and Generation
We use very detailed microdata on fiscal contributions and benefits of the entire population to calculate the discounted lifetime net contribution of the immigrant population present in The Netherlands…
Measuring Inclusion: Gender and Coauthorship at the Federal Reserve Board
Relative to diversity, inclusion is much harder to measure. We measure inclusion of women in economics using novel data on coauthoring relationships among Federal Reserve Board economists. Individual…
From Parents' Cradle to Children's Career: Intergenerational Effects of Parental Investments
There is a clear consensus that childhood experiences shape adult success, yet there is limited understanding of their impact on future generations. We proxy parental investments during childhood with…
Unions and Collective Bargaining in Sub-Saharan Africa: Some Insights from Quantitative Studies
This article reviews quantitative research on unions and collective bargaining in Sub-Saharan Africa. It discusses the consequences of unions for wages, inequality, economic performance and employer-employee…
Werther at Work: Intra-Firm Spillovers of Suicides
Suicide is a leading cause of death worldwide and a critical public health concern. We examine the hypothesis of suicide contagion within in the workplace, investigating whether exposure to a coworker's…
The IT Boom and Other Unintended Consequences of Chasing the American Dream
We study how US immigration policy and the Internet boom affected not just the US, but also led to a tech boom in India. Students and workers in India acquired computer science skills to join the rapidly…
Tied to the Land? Intergenerational Mobility and Agrarian Reform in Colombia
This study examines the intergenerational effects of providing land to the rural poor. I use ID numbers to track applicants to the 1968 Colombian agrarian reform and their children in various administrative…
Ideological Bias in Estimates of the Impact of Immigration
When studying policy-relevant topics, researchers' policy preferences may shape the design, execution, analysis, and interpretation of results. Detection of such bias is challenging because the research…
Late payments on mortgage loans and unemployment: Evidence from a German household panel
This paper empirically analyses the effect of unemployment on mortgage loan late payments using German household panel data. Regressions with individual fixed effects suggest that for each person who…
Gender Gaps in the Federal Reserve System
To better understand the stalled progress of women in economics, we construct new data on women's representation and research output in one of the largest policy institutions—the Federal Reserve System.…
Uncovering the Barriers to Foreign Residents’ Enrollment in Japan’s National Health Insurance: An Econometric Analysis Using Pooled Cross-Sectional Data
Due to liberalized immigration policies in recent years, the number of foreign residents in Japan has surged. However, the issue of some foreign residents lacking public health insurance persists. This…
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