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Chad Saunders


Dr Saunders joined the Haskayne School of Business as an Assistant Professor in 2007 and holds adjunct appointments with the Department of Community Health Sciences and the Department of Medicine at the Cumming School of Medicine, where he is the eHealth Services and Strategy Lead with the healthcare innovation incubator the Ward of the 21st Century.

Dr Saunders received a BSc (Applied Mathematics, 1996) and MBA (Information Systems, 2000) from Memorial University of Newfoundland and a PhD (Management Information Systems, 2006) from the Haskayne School of Business. 

Chad has developed and taught various courses in entrepreneurship, innovation management, information systems, project management, qualitative research methods, and strategy at the University of Calgary, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Athabasca University, and the University of San Francisco.

Chad currently teaches the graduate Introduction to Entrepreneurship for non-MBA students (ENTI 781) and the undergraduate Principles of Entrepreneurship (ENTI 381).  Chad also teaches Management Information Systems and serves as a Project Coach in the Executive MBA program.  Chad’s areas of expertise focus on the management and governance of innovation within organizations, leveraging social enterprises and the effective use of technology by professionals.

Chad's program of research spans three streams of activity.  The first deals with the impact of technology use in professional practices, the second explores the design and innovation of technology enabled knowledge management in organizations, and the third considers the support that entrepreneurs draw upon with a particular interest in the role of academic-industry collaborations and academics engaged in entrepreneurial activities.

Chad has published in leading journals including Entrepreneurship Theory & PracticeJournal of Business VenturingResearch PolicyIEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, and the Ivey Business Journal.  Chad’s program of research is funded through various grants from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) Canadian Foundation for Innovation (CFI), Alberta Innovates - Health Solutions (AIHS), and Canadian Institutes for Health Research (CIHR).

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